“Freedom is Our Strength. Let’s Extend It by Offering Refuge to Oppressed People.” Orange County Register, October 3, 2022. with Ryan Muldoon.
The Ethics of Capitalism
Media related to The Ethics of Capitalism (co-authored with Dan Halliday)
- “Is Capitalism Inimical to Ethics?” An interview with Dan Halliday on The Minefield, an ABC News Australian radio program
- “Is there an Ethical Case for Capitalism?” An overview of some of the main claims in the book on ABC Religion & Ethics
- Interview with Dan and John about The Ethics of Capitalism on the “Ideas in Progress” Podcast
- Interview with John about The Ethics of Capitalism on the “Free Thoughts” Podcast
Ethics Matters
Ethics Matters is a show about social and moral philosophy broadcast on the ABC in Australia, hosted by Dan Halliday. I am featured in two episodes.
The first, “Our Society” is about political philosophy and features interviews with me and Elizabeth Anderson. I defend the value of freedom and openness in liberal societies.
Episode 3 – Our Society from Snodger Media on Vimeo.
The second, “Creating Borders” is about the ethics of international borders and migration. I am interviewed along with Christian Barry, Tony Coady, Serene Khader, and Jiewuh Song.
Episode 10 – Creating Borders from Snodger Media on Vimeo.
The Washington Post
In a piece hosted by the Volokh Conspiracy on the Washington Post, I wrote a piece defending the link between social contract theories and libertarianism of a certain sort, entitled, not surprisingly, “Libertarianism and Contractarianism.”
This is an overview and extension of my paper “Social Contractarianism,” written for the Routledge Handbook of Libertarianism. In that paper, I argue that libertarians should be contractarians and that contractarianism helps solve two basic tensions in libertarian thought, between the defense of anarchy and limited government and the use of rights or consequentialism as a justification of social freedom.